June 29, 2022
JUNE 2022
Welcome to our first public newsletter. The AFA directors have decided to introduce a regular newsletter for our membership and supporters to maintain updated information and communication with you all and to spread the word with others about what we do and how we are going about our business.
This edition:
- A message from the AFA Directors
- AFA in 2022
- Visibility – Social media + AFA website and the public eye
- General Legal Update
“It seems hard to believe that the Australian Firefighters Alliance was officially launched on the 15th November 2021, with a team of 5 directors from NSW and Victoria.
Together we had a vision for a company which could provide solidarity to firefighters across the nation, bound by a strong desire to fight for our democratic rights and freedoms within our fire services and communities.
Our beginnings saw many willing and dedicated members join and help spearhead exciting visions, such as the MyCause fundraising, a website, social media presence, interagency and international networking, public speaking and a multi-pronged legal assault through various channels.
With the addition of a 6th director from Queensland, we have continued our hard work and dedication to achieve membership growth in Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia as well as New South Wales and Victoria. With a membership of over 150 firefighters we are excited for the challenges we face and the inroads we strive to make as we continue in the fight.
We are honoured to be able to continue to serve you in our capacity as Directors of the AFA.
In strength and unity our courageous brothers and sisters,
AFA Directors,
Steve McDonald, Tony Camilleri, Josh Hawkes, Jan Hausoul, Jase Adams and Dan McDonald”
AFA 2022
We are also taking constructive action as we seek to encourage a shift in public perceptions and attitudes towards the mandates.
Sadly, Fire Services in WA, NSW and Victoria stubbornly and foolishly, continue to refuse to allow hundreds of fire-fighters to return to work despite record numbers of Covid-19 cases amongst vaccinated firefighters and no evidence to suggest that an unvaccinated fire-fighter poses any risk.
While Fire Commissioners in QLD and SA have woken up to the need to embrace full inclusiveness in their policies and recognise that vaccination is no “silver bullet” , it would seem that the Fire Commissioners in charge of the two biggest fire services in Australia are more interested in punishing those members who have chosen to protect their own bodily autonomy rather than “do as they were told”, than they are in admitting that their vaccination policies have done nothing to protect the health and safety of their workforce.
As the AFA have stated before, to use Vaccination as a Covid workplace control measure amounts to nothing more than professional negligence.
It is great to see that many of the public are now getting behind the firefighters who have been standing strong for their rights since the beginning and are now supporting their right to return to work and resume doing what they love, protecting their communities.
With our first edition of the Australian Firefighters Alliance newsletter we seek your assistance in sharing the message we are conveying to those in the greater community by raising our profile and visibility.
Each one of us knows at least 200 others and if we all distribute the message of “Australian Firefighters fighting for their rights and freedoms” (#AFA), we will grow stronger and larger with the result of having better fighting power in our quest to get the mandates dropped, having our leaves reinstated and our jobs rightfully returned.
We know we are already making a difference in many peoples’ lives by our presence at many functions and rallies around the states we represent (NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, and Victoria), which can only be nuanced if you let us know what’s happening in your local areas.
Another tool to help with raising awareness and representation is our website which is up and running and can be accessed via australianfirefightersalliance.org.au
AFA is also visible on various social media sites and the more we talk about our activities the higher these sites will rate, so please share info that comes through with your loved ones, family and friends, acquaintances and workmates.
We have a couple of dedicated people who are working hard to put it all together for you to enjoy and stay updated so please share via your own social media and utilise our hash tags. Let us know popular specific HASH TAGS you think of so we can make these ours and fit them with our purpose.
We are also highly active on Instagram, so we highly encourage all supporters to share and promote our page @australianfirefightersalliance to aid in spreading the word and gaining ongoing support and welcoming new members!
In our efforts to gain broader recognition and support, AFA is encouraging the use of the following HASHTAGS in order gain more visibility via other Pro-choice and Frontline networks in conjunction with collaboration.
We welcome any suggestions of other hashtags that may be beneficial to utilise.
AFA has made strong ongoing efforts to notify the appropriate Fire Service Commissioners of the legal ramifications of continuing to enforce mandatory Covid-19 vaccination requirements.
This includes the Human Rights of Firefighters with regards to the coercive removal of informed consent and forced medical treatment, and the Occupational Health and Safety implications of requiring employees to submit to vaccines that have been shown to cause serious adverse effects whilst failing to stop infection, transmission, serious illness, and death in vaccinated individuals.
Whilst the reception to these notifications has been varied, we can report that the general responses have been vague and have not addressed AFA’s concerns nor those of our members.
We are moving forward with representation of our members in each state that is involved though the timeframes and stages are different.
Thankyou for your ongoing support,
The Directors
Australian Firefighters Alliance
AFA values the continued support of both members and supporters. To further our cause and assist with ongoing costs please remember to share our MYCAUSE fundraiser far and wide.