6 APRIL 2022
Australian Firefighters Alliance Ltd.
The FOI Co-ordinator,
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
PO Box 6500
email: foi@pmc.gov.au
Dear FOI Coordinator,
This is a request for the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) for
access to the following documents:
The agenda, minutes and records of decisions of all meetings from 13 March
2020 to date of the inter-governmental meeting that the Prime Minister refers
to as the “National Cabinet”.
All correspondence and documents concerning COVID-19 in possession of the
Department of Prime Minister and cabinet to/from the Australian Health
Protection and Principles Committee and its members between 13 March
2020 to date.
All correspondence and documents in possession of the Department of
Prime Minister and Cabinet to/ from the Queensland, NSW and Victorian
governments that relate to the mandatory vaccination of workers between
13 March 2020 to date.
Yours Sincerely,
Daniel McDonald
Australian Firefighters Alliance Director
on behalf of the Australian Firefighters Alliance?Ltd.
ABN 12 655 337 269 | ACN 655 337 269
W | australianfirefightersalliance.org.au
E | info@australianfirefightersalliance.org.au
P | 0414 777 100